
Blue Jean Bash and Benefit

Thursday November 7, 2024

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Bringing Hope to Women and Children

Resident Story - Katie

Katie's Story

Before I cried out to Jesus, my life was marked by numerous addictions. I was like a root surviving each day by numbing deep swounds. After I got clean, the Lord brought my daughter and me to Alpha-Omega Miracle Home.

At Alpha-Omega, it was the first time I experienced someone wanting to know me without wanting something in return. I am loved and cared for. I had to yield all the way, however, and receive what was being poured into me, even when I didn't like it. There were time that I wanted to leave. But what I was being given was exactly what I needed. Without Alpha-Omega, I would not have a relationship with my daughter. I get to see her dance and laugh and be happy. Right now, I am getting my GED, I have a job, and I'm saving for a car, I also know in the deepest placed that I am loved and forgiven. I have been given an opportunity to thrive in here and now along with the promise of heaven. I am so thankful for the love, time and sacrifice of the staff at Alpha-Omega. It has made a world of difference.