
Hearts and Homes

Change for a Future

Hearts and Homes

How you can help

By filling a house-shaped bank, you are directly supporting the life-changing work at Alpha-Omega Miracle Home by providing safe housing, stability, and hope for women, children, and senior women facing homelessness. Every coin, bill, or check helps build a future filled with security and new beginnings.


If you received a house-shaped bank from your church, here’s how you can make an impact:

1. Fill the bank with change, bills, or checks, or scan the QR code on the bank to donate online. You can also use the link below—please be sure to enter your church name on the online giving form.

Donate Now

2. Return your filled bank to your church by the announced due date. If you miss the deadline, you can drop it off at the church office or the AOMH Administration Office. Each lost bank comes at a cost to the ministry, so please return yours to make every donation count.

3. Your donation helps change lives! Every dollar collected allows us to continue providing safe housing, stability, and hope for women, children, and senior women facing homelessness—creating a future where families can thrive in a loving and supportive community

 Thank you for making a difference!

For information about church participation, contact Audra Young, Director of Events at