80% of single families experiencing homelessness are headed by single mothers.
Lack of education, resources, and family stability have left many women and children in our community vulnerable, alone, and desperate– with little or no hope. These are the hidden faces of homelessness. Coupled with the affordable housing crisis, the number of homeless mothers and senior women is growing at an alarming rate.
At Alpha-Omega Miracle Home, we have spent two decades fine tuning a program that equips young moms for self-sufficiency and capitalizes on the wisdom, kindness, and generosity of senior women who discover purpose in the latter season of their lives. Our unique model of pairing a young mom with a senior woman in an apartment, together with comprehensive support, accountability and a loving community environment has given us a blueprint for true generational life change.
With an average wait list of over 80 women, we know now is the time to expand our ministry and build a new campus. Our new campus will triple the number of safe bed nights offered in our G.R.O.W. Program and will nearly double our affordable housing capacity. The education center will give us the flexibility to meet the ever changing needs of both our residents and the larger community. The daycare will serve as a safe loving environment for the children of our current and past residents as well as the children of struggling parents in our community when space is available.